POLIPHONIA is a natural wine restaurant serving wild, seasonal, and local ingredients.
Just as the harmonies created in polyphonic singing can be hair-raisingly electrifying, we try to reach that same balanced tension in the wines and cuisine served to you in our creative and informal dining rooms.

Our rapidly changing compact menu consists of two components:
Rediscovering lost dishes from rare rural parts of Georgia
Creating new modern dishes from local and seasonal ingredients that dovetail with our all-natural wine list.
We believe tradition is valuable both for its deep roots as well as its creativity and forward thinking. Just as the overtones created in polyphonic singing can create a feeling of hair raising excitement.

[ upcoming events ]

[cultural heritage]
Sololaki region is one of the most ecologically clean parts of the city. This district begins from Freedom square and ends at the mount Mtatsminda. According to the story the Arabs built a canal in this area to water the gardens. Canal in Arabian language is "sululakh" and since that period the place is called Sololaki.